Our Services - What's Important to You? |

- We design, you approve, we print custom parent and teacher letters.
- Step-by-Step handbook to guide you through your sale.
- Each order is scanned for accuracy and sorted by name, grade, and class.
- All orders and prizes arrive packed by teacher and student name including frozen foods.
- Inside delivery to the location of your choice.
- Parents contact us directly via the web or telephone.

- Class and student reports available online 24/7
- Online shopping allows out of town family and friends to help support your school and students earn full prize credit.
- Templates for reminder notes and emails that can be sent to parents.

- We offer "green" merchandise.
- Student orders are packed into recycled, corrugated boxes.
- Recycled pallets are used to ship our products.
- Our standard gift wrap is printed on recycled paper and is even recyclable!

- More products Made in America.
- Exclusive product lines and many licensed products!

- Dynamic, fun kickoffs and assemblies to get students excited!
- Promotional materials (posters, announcements, and more).
- Custom prize programs: prize brochures, limo rides, drawings, top seller prizes, etc...